NOTE: The Unified Theory of Human Psychology is currently under construction. All the information on this website represents fragments of the theory but the whole theory is yet to be added. If you would like to know more about the UTHP, please check back regularly.
For the last 150 years, the science of psychology has dedicated itself to identifying and describing the various manifestations of human cognition, behaviour, and affect. While significant progress has been made in this realm, less progress has been made in identifying the common characteristics that give rise to these elements.
This failure to identify the common cognitive characteristics that cause maladaptive attention, cognition, behaviour, affect, and mood has created two problems. The first is that psychology has become overly complex, with overlapping, and often contradictoory theories attempting to describe the various observable manifestations of maladaptive psychological processes. The second is that the treatment protocols developed through this overly complex system have low efficacy rates and even with those that are more effective, we can do little more than hypothesise as to why they’re effective.
The Unified Theory of Cognitive Psychology solves these problems. First, it simplifies the science of psychology into a cohesive and structured framework that removes the contradiction and overlap and shows how these constructs all fit within one paradigm. And secondly, it identifies the common bonds that give rise to dysfunctional cognition, attention, behaviour, affect, and mood that allows for treatment protocols that target the root cause of these maladaptations rather than just observable manifestations of these causes.
Core Theory
To read the basic foundations of the Unified Theory of Cognitive Psychology, click here.
Ancillary Theories
The core theory also explains other observable psychological phenomena, including specific theories about psychopathology, object classification, gender differences, and many other areas. If you understand the core theory and would like to explore how this core theory impacts all areas of human cognition, behaviour, and affect, select the appropriate topic from the lists below:
- Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Conduct Disorder
- Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Oppositional Defiance Disorder
- Hoarding
Other Areas
- Gender differences
- Basic object classification